Spinning and Weaving in the Kingdom of Caid

Mistress Thea of Northernridge and Mistress Bridget Lucia MacKenzie are looking to gather other like-minded Spinning & Weaving Enthusiasts to share knowledge and work together.

We would like everyone to bring their Spinning Wheels and Looms to upcoming SCA events, in particular:

  • Festivals of the Rose
  • Collegiums
  • Crown Tourneys
  • Wars!

Here are photos of Spring Crown 2000.

Join the Caid Fiber Enthusiasts Yahoogroup list here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/caidfiber/

Triangle Shawls, the fashion rage in the Kingdom! Front and Back

Sheep to Shawl event held at Angels' CP Prize


Thea with hand-painted drop spindles 

Bridget and her 150 year old Great Walking Wheel