Final Court of Baroness Issya
Final Court of Baroness Issya
Final Court of Baroness Issya
Final Court of Baroness Issya
Baroness Issya, thanking and dismissing her Court
Baroness Issya, thanking and dismissing her Court
Pouch for Issya made by Lady Sa'rnat of Altavia
Painted silk fan for Issya made by Baroness Bridget of Altavia
Issya holds the Starkhafn coronets
King Edric and Queen Faizeh preparing to Invest the new Baron and Baroness
Alcon and Muirenn swear fealty to Their Majesties
Alcon and Muirenn swear fealty to Their Majesties
Issya is elevated to Court Baroness for her great service to the Kingdom.
Sir Sven Gunter Alcon and Lady Muirenn ingen meic Martain, the new Baron and Baroness of Starkhafn
Meala Campbell, Queen's Guard
Meala Campbell, Queen's Guard
Ian the Red, Queen's Guard
Ax-throwing was fun for all!
Ax-throwing was fun for all!
Ax-throwing was fun for all!
Ax-throwing was fun for all!
Antonius of the Slugs assists at the Ax target
Baroness Bridget liked the axes!
Bridget and Alexandra throwing axes
Lady Alexandra gets 2 in a row!