Great Western War XI 2008

Silk fans painted by Bridget

Silk fans painted by Bridget

Bridget gets a fan of her device too!

Queen Mora with a cup that matches her new fan!

Wool to Whatever weaving project

Einar and Vires of Sons of Arpad with Baroness Courtney

Einar and Vires off to battle

Altavia Encampment

Bridget's pavilion

Lady Eichling is rowed in a boat

Lady Eichling is rowed in a boat

Ladies Brangwyne and Meliora

The arms of the King

Friday Battles

Master Corwyn

Friday Battlefield Court

Friday Battles

Baron Thorin off to battle

Jeanne Marie and her Vigil Herald, Don Njall

Altavian Doggies Freya and Lily

Lady Alexandra and the most beautiful baby in the world, Samantha

Assembling Vigil Tokens for Jeanne Marie

Angels and Altavians rally with jewelry pliars

Baroness Courtney assembles tokens

Baroness Flavia and Lord Robin FitzOsbourne

Lady Katherine fixes the Wagon, Joshua and Noah helping hold it down. Don Andre helping by staying out of her way!

Kuma tries on helmets

Baroness Courtney and her people at the Altavian Pavilion

Don Laertes and the adorable Samantha

Jeanne Marie and the beautiful dish gifted by Dame Selene

Jeanne Marie prepares for her Pelican Vigil

Bridget's Pavilion hosts the Pelican Vigil