Sheep to Shawl at CP Prize Tourney
Mistress Kristin Aelfhildr has gracious donated beautiful fleeces all scoured and carded and ready to go. Mistress Astra is spinning up the warp and will have a table loom warped and ready at the event. We're inviting spinners to help with the spinning and weaving at the event. If you know other intermediate to advanced spinners who would be interested in playing too, please let us know who they are and how to contact them. ("Intermediate" is someone who can spin a consistent yarn to a set standard; since we're raffling the result, we want it to be really nice.) Most Sheep-to-Shawl contests allow four hours for 3 spinners and 1 weaver to complete a shawl. We're planning on having more people so we can take shorter shifts and have time to play at the other events planned for the day. Also, we're skipping the carding process, so we should have plenty of time to finish and knot the fringe, or whatever. Participants should bring: your own seating, your spinning wheel or drop spindle, extra bobbins, lazy kate and niddy noddy. We're really looking forward to this
as a way to have fun, promote the textile arts and raise money
for the best lil' ol' newsletter in the Know World. We hope you'll
join us. Back to the Spinning and Weaving Website |