Inkle patterns for Award Cords for Kingdom of CaidThese are suggested patterns for Inkle weavers. Note these are not the "Official" patterns, indeed there are many ways these cords can be made, including fingerloop braids and kumihimo. But these inkle patterns are popular with those who have been recently giving them out: the Kings and Queens of Caid! Here are descriptions of the awards When you are finished with your cords, you can give them to Their Majesties (or their Chamberlains/Chief Lady-in-Waiting) or mail them using their address listed in the Crown Prints newsletter. Be sure to include your name and address, since They will be appreciative of your gift! If you have an inkle loom and do not know how to warp it up, or if you are having trouble interpreting these patterns, PLEASE contact Bridget!
are given on a “Silver Cord”. This cord be White, Gray, Silver or any combination! Try using any of the patterns below with Gray in place of the Blue, and perhaps with a single strand of Silver (not too much Silver, though! Don't make it look Disco!). Since more Awards of Arms are given out than any other award, they need yards and yards of it. So make lots! A medallion of one of the awards above will be hung from the cord and placed around the neck of the honored gentle by Their Majesties. ![]() (Given by the Queen to those she finds courteous) Pattern designed by Megan Paget: 7 blue, 7 white, 7 blue threads. Recommend using 20/2 size thread and making finished cord 30 to 36" long. The Legion of Courtesy Yellow Rose medallion will be hung on this cord "in the colors of Caid" (blue and white) and presented to a worthy individual by the Queen.
Pattern designed by Bridget Lucia MacKenzie. Recommend using 20/2 size thread or Tatting thread in blue and white, and making finished cord 30 to 36" long. A medallion of one of the awards above will be hung from the cord and placed around the neck of the honored gentle by Their Majesties.
This pattern below was designed by Muirenn ingen ulic Mhartainn of Starkhafn. She used a silver cord for the center string (teal colored cord on the pattern) and it looks really wonderful! Vanguard of Honor (outstanding honorable and chivalric actions upon the tournament field)Pattern designed by Bridget Lucia MacKenzie. Recommend using 5/2 or 3/2 size thread in black and burnt sienna or rust. Using orange makes it look very Halloweenie! The strap should be about 1 inch wide, which requires about 35 to 44 threads wide. The pattern below is by no means "the" pattern to use, but just one that works and comes out nice. Be creative and design your own, use the blank matrix below! It should be long enough to go around a fighter's arm, tie in a knot and hang down, total about 40" long.